Fun Features to Add?

As Andrea said,

no. It is a cool feature, it was already considered before you

brought it up, Holly, and the reason that it hasn’t been implemented to date is that it

would be a major undertaking to keep track of in the database. It might happen in the far

distant future, but until then, don’t hold your breath, and please stop posting about how it

should be easy to do.

When you want to bring it

up, give yourself the choice between it and jockeys/possibly graphics for racing next year…

and workouts… I’d much rather Shanthi coded for that then any other nifty feature. And I

can’t/won’t do nifty features that involve changing DB organization w/o Shanthi’s express


Sorry…was just trying to

help…I just wanted to discuss and talk with you guys about it…my intentions were not to

annoy you. I didn’t think it was easy or thought it would be. Again sorry.

Sorry, I just fail to see


is discussion. Seems

like myself, Andrea, and Jason have all said "this would be cool, but will also be really

hard/time-consuming, so end of discussion until/unless it actually gets implemented", and yet

you continue to ask when it will happen and why it hasn’t already happened.

You know, wouldn’t it be

cool if we had little contests. Like who designs the best web pages. Like for the webpages,

everybody would be given lets say 2 yearlings, 2 twoyear olds and so on, and one stud.

Everybody would be given the same horses and they would have to design a webpage that is

clean and neat, easy to read, and pretty to look at. Whoevers webpage matches those

requirements best, wins!

Oh wow, yeah that sounds

like a really neat idea. It would be fun to see all the cool web pages. Lol…i would make

one but I have no clue where to start. I’ve never taken any web design classes or anything

of the sort. We could have teams of people who know what they are doing and who don’t. The

people who don’t could just make suggestions and give input on how the site looks so far.

Just a way to get everyone involved. :wink: Sounds cool, though! :smiley:

The idea sounds cool, but

the issue would be judging the contest. Web site design is insanely subjective…one color

scheme is great to one person and hideous to another, one person loves side menus and one

person hates them, etc.

Hmmm, you have a point

there. :wink: but it would be cool if you did it just for fun. :lol:. But with the guidelines

it’s hard to go wrong. If you have a nice looking neat webpage, most likely people will like

it. Also white’s kind of hard not to like. :wink:

Could it be considered for a

color war contest? We would have to see if there is at least one person on each team that

can make a web page, and you, Shanthi, could give guidelines on what you look for in a good


I think it’s a great idea

for a color war contest :slight_smile: Yep, i like that idea Holly

Well, I think thatsw a good

idea. I was getting more at an all member thing, but that sounds good. :smiley:

Okay… I don’t know how

much time y’all have to sit around on a computer designing web pages for random stuff

[Shanthi and Andrea excluded], but I sure as hell have not much time spare. Let alone the

fact that web pages are complicated enough for me without actually having to design one.


So yeah, whilst it is a cool idea to some, maybe think about ideas that can applied to

everyone with relative ease. I would not even bother with this suggestion if it was in the

color war therefore my team would lose out. :frowning:

I’d have to agree with

Jason as far as it being a Color War challenge. Web design IS “easy for anyone”, but only if

you have an editor, which most people don’t have. (Contrary to M$'s popular opinion,

Microsoft Word is NOT a web editor). Regardless, to get truly “good” design, you need to

code “by hand” (or use some very advanced editor features)…and all of that takes a lot of


If members want to create web pages and post links for other members to critique

them, that’s fine. I don’t have time to judge the quality of websites. At least not if

you guys want race results and all the rest of the stuff that’s on my coding list.

Awe, I had no idea it was

such a time consuming process. Oh, well if it wasn’t it would have been a good idea. Just

goes to show how much I know about coding. :slight_smile: Much respect to you guys! :smiley:

Yeah you guys do a great job

with eveeythign running well on ff, a suggestion would be similar to ones before but say have

a vet and farrier clinic, and horses have to be vetted or shod every so often. but everythign

else with training workouts sounds great!! thanks for a great game guys!!! :smiley:

We have been planning a vet

service for a while, but it would only be to check up on your horse’s general health (i.e.

after injury), not required every so often for shots/etc.

I think training/workouts is

enough minute details for the game for now, let alone having to remember vet/farrier. I have

enough problems remembering for my one real-life horse, let alone for 200+ fake horses.

Isn’t that just the truth.

And shots are expensive, and I’d imagine farrier work for a racehorse would be too. I’d

hate to see how much it would hurt new players who are just building up their

Heck, I know how much it hurt my family’s budget :lol:

The annual taxes are meant to cover stuff like feed, vet bills, farrier bills, etc. They’re super cheap (as far as the flat rate goes), given that a normal horse costs $5,000-$7,500/year to maintain, let alone a racehorse in training. :wink: But that’s the intent behind the taxes for those.

(And, in case you’re wondering, the justification for the 10% rule is that more successful horses require/get more specialized care, better equipment, etc etc, so they cost more per year.)

This is a modest one…or maybe just a question…when I get my race results I like to go through each race step by step for each race I have a horse in…but if the races are already run, there is no way to figure that out except to know the results, whch ruins the excitement…

So…it would be great if there was either a page, or, right on the race results page, it told you what races your horses were in that day. Even better if on the race results there was a button to skip to next race I had a horse in…

I am sure this goes to the bottom of a long list, but I will throw it in…:slight_smile:

I’m planning something along those lines, basically a stat box on your stable overview page listing your most recent race results (no finish placings, just race #s and horse names, possibly an overall summary of the day’s results for the stable, i.e. 5-0-2-0-1 $105,000). Likewise with upcoming entries, so that you can see at-a-glance who’ve you’ve entered for what day, and whether you haven’t entered races for a while. And finally, another one for breeding, which would list whether you have pending bookings to approve for your stud, or mares who have recently foaled, etc.

It fits into the “user preferences” sectoin on the Master To Do list, but there’re about a dozen things in that section that I’ve forgotten to actually write down. :wink: