FF Stallions Locked

FF stallions are currently by approval-only. Can they be unlocked?

Similarly, can we perhaps move any of the inactive member stallions to the FF account and made available?


I would like to see inactive stable stallions put up for sale


I would too. Maybe with a limit of 2 stallions per stable, depending on how many stallions there are.


I’ll second that.

As a further thought is it worth putting the FF stallions up for sale as well, with time they will be bred with and retire in due course and we just let the game evolve without the ‘famous’ stallions further?

Just food for thought.

Then we’d have even LESS stallions :grimacing:

I personally feel RL studs should still belong to FF. However, at this stage we literally cannot afford giving up the RL studs. If anything, we need MANY more stallions or significantly fewer broodmares, which could mean more RL studs, lowering stallion qualifications, and/or raising requirements for mares to retire to broodmare. As it stands, there are 78 stallions in the game which is 2340 breeding slots for 12,556 mares. More than 10,000 mares literally cannot be bred (granted, over 8,000 are FF-owned, but it still makes for terrible odds). Ten+ years ago fields were much smaller so it was easier to score SWs for stallions.

Personally I think it would be beneficial to increase the RL stallion count to 15-20, lower stallion qualifications to 6 SW’s, and maybe have quite the mare purge in some way.


Another thought is to raise the cap on breeding numbers too.

in RL, it’s not uncommon for top stallions to serve over 100 mares a season. 30 seems way too low.


Another thought is to raise the cap on breeding numbers too.
in RL, it’s not uncommon for top stallions to serve over 100 mares a season. 30 seems way too low.

I also like this idea!

Personally I think it would be beneficial to increase the RL stallion count to 15-20, lower stallion qualifications to 6 SW’s, and maybe have quite the mare purge in some way.

I definitely like the idea of lowering the stallion qualifications slightly, and maybe getting a few more RL stallions. However, I do like being able to breed whichever mares you like. Sometimes (both game and RL), mares that aren’t great at racing can still produce good racers.


I agree with increasing FF RL stallion numbers. Perhaps we could keep the current ones (assuming their real life counter parts are still active) and have suggestions to bring the RL total up to 20 (we could vote on the additional suggestions if there’s a significant number although there’s enough mares in the game to accommodate 25-30 RL studs easily). I’d definitely like to see some more RL turf studs in the game.

I quite like the idea of allowing more mares per stud, assuming this isn’t too complicated to code - maybe 2 mares per slot i.e. each stud could potentially cover 60 mares per year? I don’t think I’d like to see them cover more than this as there’s so many inactive horses already.

Slight relaxation of stud qualification requirements would also be good as it seems there’s a few that are almost there who would make good additions to the game.

Maybe a mass retirement of FF mares aged 15 or older - I think that would still leave FF with 4-5000 broodmares. The eldest ‘active’ FF mares are 20+ years so I think it would be a good way to give younger FF mares a shot at a breeding (assuming more studs/slots available). Similarly, FF has a lot of older racehorses (eldest is 15 by my search) so a mass retirement of these would be good too - I’d say anything older than 8/9 but maybe younger?

Inactive stables - either an auction/series of auctions to sell the stock off or being transferred into FF management. I thought the code used to run periodically and transfer horses from stables that had been inactive for some time across to FF but that might be my imagination.


I think a combination of the ideas suggested would work best to keep stallion numbers up but not overflowing.

Auctioning inactive stables’ stock would be a tool to get a lot of unused gems active in the game again and those stallions would be actively managed instead of just sitting around.

I also like the idea of making stallion qualification a bit easier, as I prefer using raced stallions vs the FF real ones. The idea Lewis proposed in another thread was a really good one, I think. It was using a step system of qualifying:

7 SW (1G1W) + 10 SP (2G1P) or
6 SW (1G1W) + 13 SP (2 G1P) or
5 SW (1G1W) + 16 SP (3 G1P)

However, I’m also a bit hesitant on bringing stallion numbers up too much. It’s a buyer’s market and I don’t see that changing anytime soon as FF has a lot of horses and inactive stables and we don’t really have a lot of new members coming in and sticking around (and honestly, FF is a hard game to get a foothold in as a new member). The current number of stallions is good for 2340 foals, as Shelbie said, but with around 20 active stables that’s 117 foals per stable per year. I think we need a few more stallions for variation and popular breeding months, but I also think we’re close to a perfect number of foals being bred per year to keep the majority actively raced and (hopefully) increase interest when young horses come for sale.


Love all of Imagine’s and Leah’s points on this!


Not sure if this is the right thread but another thought I had to promote easier stud qualification.

Many horses just fall off a cliff form wise at 6 yr old. This isn’t realistic to life with many horses racing on longer in Australia (granted more geldings)

If the code (no idea about this) wasn’t so tight the period for horses to become stud qualified would be wider, thus allowing those that get close more seasons to reach the goal.

Hope that makes some sense :thinking:

I’ve unlocked all the famous studs, since no one retired/died since last year.

I’m happy to consider adding more famous studs, and set up sale of inactive stables’ studs. I’m potentially happy to consider revamping the stud qualification rules, though this requires a bit more work.

Having said all that, I’m currently dealing with extreme fatigue (as in, today’s the first time I’ve looked at any code - work or otherwise - since mid-December), so I’m not sure when I’ll have the bandwidth to do any of the above, and I definitely don’t have the brainspace to help facilitate any discussion/debate about what should happen. If you guys want to collaborate on options and ping me if/when I need to weigh in, that’s cool. :slight_smile:


Personally, for me, I would like a sale of inactive stables studs


I would too.

Thanks for opening FF studs, Shanthi! Hope everything is ok or slowly improving at your end, that sounds rough.

I’d love an stud auction and/or just auctioning off all inactive stables in 1 go (if it’s not too much extra trouble). If it helps, the list of 1+ year inactive with sizeable herds would be:

  • Darkwood Stables
  • Desert Wind Farm
  • Gant’s Farm (5 stallions)
  • Ivy Creek Farm (2 stallions)
  • Kismet Thoroughbreds
  • Tall Oaks Estate (3 stallions)

I’d love to go hunting for a few forgotten diamonds in there, lol.

We can definitely figure out stud qualification a little better before you have to touch that subject.

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Gants Farm has also been inactive for some time (5 stallions there).

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Hope the fatigue improves for you soon.

Added, no idea how I missed that one on there.

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I’d like to see studs from inactive stables up for grabs but with a restriction on number purchased - 1 or max 2 per stable.