FF Stallions Locked

I agree with that!

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Iā€™d like to see studs from inactive stables up for grabs but with a restriction on number purchased - 1 or max 2 per stable.

Totally on board with this.


Me too! Maybe I could finally get my first stud!


Good idea that :white_check_mark:

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I like that idea too.

Iā€™ve set up an auction for all the studs owned by stables that havenā€™t logged in since 2023 - 10 studs in total.

Iā€™ve set the limit to 1 stud per stable but if everyone buys one and there are still studs up, Iā€™ll increase to 2.

2029 Stud Auction


I canā€™t remember how auctions with a horse limit works. Are we allowed to bid on more than that limit (in this case 1) and, if we reach the limit of successful bids, any continuing auctions we may be high bidder on, our bid disappears? Or, once we are high bidder in one auction, does the system block us from bidding on any other horses in the auction?

I think that if you are the current highest bidder on a horse, then you canā€™t bid on another. If the limit is 5, then you can hold the highest bidder on 5, but you canā€™t bid on a sixth until someone out bids you on one other. I think this is right?


Thanks. Thatā€™s what I thought.

@Shanthi Is there any chance of adding Melander Stevens to the auction? Heā€™s another inactive Gantā€™s Farm and is stud-qualified, but still racehorse status at 9 years old.

Also from Gant is Wing Commander who needs 1 SW to qualify.

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He actually isnā€™t stud-qualified as he hasnā€™t won any G1 races.

Well, close enough. :sweat_smile:

Unfortunately NCh. Too Stressful just retired.