Working 2yo's

I know 2yo’s don’t race until April, but when can we begin working them?

Now, if you want.  It’s really up to you.

Would there be any harm in it?

As I recall you can’t actually begin working your 2YO’s until March 15.

I’m pretty sure that as soon as they can be shipped to a track (aka as soon as they turn two) you can work them. They just do not show up on the training summary with all of your other horses until march.

Exactly. I can change that if people want, but there didn’t seem to be much point in listing babies on the training summary page just to show their energy/fitness (which you can see on the workout page)…until races open for them they’ll never have a last race/next race available.

Would breezing the 2YO’s at least give you an idea of how quick they are compared to one another (at least in this stage of their careers)?

Just to play Devil’s advocate, how “accurate” are breeze times as a general indicator of quickness, irrespective of age?

Workout times in general are totally wacked out. I’ll be fixing that (I hope) in the rewrite.

Since it’s universally wacked out, though, you could breeze all your babies and see who’s fastest.

I would vote no on this. For people who have a lot of race horses it would be a pain to have a bunch of 2 y/o’s listed who can’t race yet.

That’s why I left it off in the first place. :slight_smile: I’ve got 56 horses on my training summary, and 106 racers total. That’s a LOT of information for one page.

In the rewrite, I’ll probably spiff up the page to allow for more flexibility, though.

Fine with me :slight_smile: Just had no idea when they could finally work. Thanks everyone!