3 Yearlings for sale. 1 million, 5 million and 7 million.
Good luck if they get purchased
3 Yearlings for sale. 1 million, 5 million and 7 million.
Good luck if they get purchased
The best thing to do is just ignore it. If the horse is purchased than so be it and assume the horse market has sky rocketed. If not then lesson learned and the stable will know to decrease their price.
On a side note…from the looks of their activity this year it may be a last resort or a way of stirring attention.
i looked at those horses and there isn’t even anything special about their pedigree or dosage numbers. i have some decent runners , when they behave for sale that are look better than that for decent prices. i cannot believe someone thinks that unproven babies would be worth that much money, if you are broke sell some off at an auction , but to try to make millions on 3 babies sheesh, someones dreaming big
Donating for server costs is a much easier way of raising money/making millions than trying to sell horses that have yet to prove themselves.
I find it highly amusing.
Also better karma!
true, oh shanthi i am having paypal problems and if i want to donate is there another way ?
lol I just donated…it helps!
donating is a great way- how I made the money I have now (well originally, since then I’ve been staying afloat due to wins or decent performances and what not)
I saw that now and just came here to see if any of you had seen the price tags. I was just floored- is the stable that selling a newbie stable? if so, like someone said, lesson learned but still…holy gamoly…
now if they had pedigrees out the horse rump and were related to some of the top horses in the game, justtt maybe the price tags would be justified. But good luck and congrats if they do…deserve massive kudos if another stable falls for it.
Diamond Dale Farm
I own a 1/2 to one of them, I’ll settle for 1/2 the price too ;D
In the classical words of Darryl Kerrigan… “tell’em he’s dreamin”
I said the same thing when i saw those babies. Some of mine are out of good mares but that doesnt mean they are going to ICh. or maybe just Ch. So why set the price that high?