omg i got a call fro the local Comunity Resouce Center in my town, and community they are big. Well in the message they left they were asking me to design their web page. -dances- OMG! i’m so excited…I know alot…but i don’t know PHP, and special stuff like that…but if I get the job my teacher is going to let me go ahead of the Web Design class i’m in and get extra credit for doing their web site. On top of that it’s going to look good on my resume, and it’s good experiance. I’m so excited I wanted to go into web design after school, on top of Graphic, and Fashion design, Because i need back ups, and i’m studying those things in HS as well. -dances- I’m just so excited :lol:
Hooray! Yay for Jei-sama!
That’s awesome! Let’s us know how it goes! (and maybe sneak peeks at the website in question)
I wish i could get ahold of them…their complex must close befopre 3:00 and i can’t get ahold of them before that due to school -crys- so depressing…