Hi All,
Just wanted to give people a heads up (before you go spending all your money at the select-not that you shouldn’t, but just so you know…) that I’m drastically cutting the number of racehorses I’ll be racing the next few years until I graduate college. I plan on concentrating on the breeding aspect of the game for a few years with a handful of favorites kept to race. This adds up to a great opportunity to many stables: lots of high quality horses for sale that I’d normally keep. There will be a Racehorse Auction and a Yearling Auction.
I’m planing on having a Racehorse Auction the end of September or as soon as possible(as soon as I can get a few that had been leased using the old system of leasing qualified to sell). This date is tentative depending on how soon these guys are able to be sold!
A TENTATIVE list of horses to be included(one or two might be kept or added)-but it is something to look at anyway…
*MOST of these horses, if not all, have been very lightly raced and when raced, not to their best benefit(ie:fitness and energy levels weren’t prime)-I’ve been overwhelmed by life in general lately-thus the reason for this big sale, so take that into account when looking at their records…
*there will also be a horse limit when bidding, probably 2-3 horses but no spending limit
2yo Colts
Devil In Devon
Secret of the Wild -16.3hh as a 2yo? crazy large colt
War Engine
2yo Fillies
December Surprise-should actually be a yearling so keep that in mind when racing her
Judy Garland -16.2hh 2yo filly-very big girl!
Never Been Kissed
3yo Colts
Willy Gofarr
Star Gaze
Colors of Fire
The Yearling Sale will be sometime in October.
Yearling Colts
Brick And Mortar -yes, I know he’s a full brother to Double Cross and no, I’m not crazy
Bush Pilot
Far Cry
Rock Doctor
Seattle’s Best
Southern Starz
Yearling Fillies
Highly Debatable
Meet Virginia -a 16.1hh yearling?? wow-sorry just now noticed all the sizes of these guys
Special Rhyme
Tribal Flame
Haha, I can sympathize Jade. I’m working on thinning my racing string down from 50 to 20-25 with a similar decrease in yearlings/weanlings so that I’m not back up to 50 once April rolls around. Except my reason is grad school instead of college . Now I really wish I wasn’t down-sizing myself.
lol, well if you change your mind…you are very welcome to my auction! 20-25??? wow, i feel wimpy, i’m only working on my undergrad (geology so lab intensive is my excuse) but i currently have 25 and i’m defintly not doing them justice, but that’s me, i’m not so great with details sometimes! lol
They definitly do, I hope that doesn’t keep you from my sale tho Paul! I’d prefer good homes for these guys and you are one of them!
ALL 9 horses going into the Racehorse Sale have now been consigned, I’ll post a review of each horse within the next few days. Starts Sept 23rd! Reserves on most are very low! Plus don’t forget the 2 horse limit, should give most a chance to get a horse.
***EDITED to add that I’ve decided to keep Easy Memories and do a lease on him for now. My apologies to anyone who was looking to bid on him!
Just a reminder that my racehorse sale starts tonight, there’s a 2 horse limit, most reserves are low and an 18hr sell time.
A few thoughts on some of the horses that aren’t on the comments of the horse’s auction page…don’t want anybody(esp a newbie) to buy these horses without knowing as much as possible about them.
[color=blue]Colors of Fire: been raced more than he seemed to be comfortable with lately(he was fighting a lot in his workouts) with not much thought to a perfect race, just wanted to get him in races so that he could be sold(3 race requirement to be sold). Anyway, he should be a very reliable racer if not more once he’s had a good rest(maybe at the track will be enough-his energy went up today). His reserve is a little lower than it would be to reflect that he’s in Australia and may have to be shipped home for some rest. Comes from a wonderful family, be sure to check him out.
[color=blue]Willy Gofarr: was raced under similar circumstances as COF after being leased, except he only needed 2 races and isn’t as tired, in fact he’s probably just fine. Last I checked was qualified as an alternate for several BC races, including the Classic.
[color=green]Star Gaze: really hated to let this boy go, in fact I’ve never sold a Seeing Starz foal but I haven’t got him figured out so…someone else can work with him. Shows loads of potential, despite a very close together 3 race schedule in 3 weeks where I was again, throwing him in races he showed a lot off heart, 2nd in the 2 dirt allowances and a 5th in the turf(don’t think that’s his “thing” but…). Anyway, he’s also qualified as an alternate in several BC races.
[color=red]December Surprise: granddaughter of Seeing Starz thru her dam, I’d like to remind people, in case her name doesn’t do that for you, that she won’t be 2 until December so she might require some delicate handling until she is 2. 2yos are often raced a few months before they turn 2 so racing her this year wouldn’t be unreasonable, she’ll just likely be less mature than her competitors and maybe more delicate since she’s so young.
I think that’s it for those that need some extra consideration…the rest are 2yo’s who are lightly raced if at all.
Just an announcement that all of the horses were sold in the Racehorse Sale, congrats to the new owners!!!
Much like the Select Auction this year, my sale didn’t go nearly as well as last year’s(although I am very glad some newish stables were able to get ahold of some nice horses!) which is making me think of holding off on the yearling sale this year unless things pick up in other upcoming auctions…people don’t seem to want to spend any money and as I can’t afford to give these horses away…I’ll keep them for now. I will be considering any offers for the yearlings sent to me privately, however, and some may be sold as 2yo’s next year, other’s I may lease out.
As always I could change my mind at the drop of a hat and you may see a bunch of yearlings in a Cascade auction next month! Doubt it tho, everybody seems to be broke and as I just dropped 7 million in my budget lol, I’m about to get a whole lot more competitive in FF! (maybe losing all that money was a good thing!)