Unborn Foal

Foal was born Jan 1, 2027, yet is still listed “status: unborn” and does not appear on stable’s weanling page or list of horses. He does, however, appear on the mare’s page as her last foal, just not under the “view foals” tab.

Foal: https://www.finalfurlong.org/viewhorse.php?horse=54984
Mare’s page: https://www.finalfurlong.org/viewhorse.php?horse=28912

It’s a bug. Looks like most (?all) foals born on the 1st are affected.

Oops, I missed that post. Thanks!

I think possibly one of my foals was affected, but as yet I can’t find the mare the foal belonged to.

Below is some evidence. I have 32 Mayfair-owned mares in foal.

Stable Overview: Mayfair 2023-01-09 00-00-56

Below is what the results look like when I search for my stable’s weanlings.

Mayfair: View Horses 2023-01-09 00-01-27