Triple Crown

i’m elated that American Pharoah won the 2015 Triple Crown. who else watched the Triple Crown races?


i know back in 2008 i thought for sure Barbaro would win the triple crown but he was pulled up from an injury in the preakness stakes

It was on very late here so I didn’t stay up to watch it but am absolutely thrilled he’s done it. The last TC winner was before I was born so fantastic to see. Just watched the replay and he does everything so easily. Hopefully it’s a way off yet but can I make an early suggestion that we add him as a famous stud when he retires?

Same here.

According to Wikipedia his owner plans to retire him at the end of this year. :wink:

He’s the grandson of Empire Maker, but that should be distant enough for him to be in the game. It’ll be up to voting but I’m guessing he’ll get a lot of votes. :stuck_out_tongue:

just wondering but has Barbaro made it into the game?

He wouldn’t be eligible - only horses who stand in real life currently are allowed to be in the game. Sadly he never made it to stud.


He will need a custom image to feature his short tail… :smiley:

If you go to bloodhorse site, they have clips of him with Baffert…what a puppy dog! You wouldn’t expect that from a racehorse, to just let people come over and fuss on him.  I don’t say this often, as Secretariat is my fave, but I think I have dual fave’s for favourite racehorse of all time.

So happy to watch it yesterday :slight_smile:

I was on my feet shouting for him to go!!! He is amazing and so glad he made it look easy… I have a friend that was actually there to see him win I told her I was sooo jealous of her…

I would have loved to have been there to see him win! I was so excited, since I’m one of those people who has never seen a Triple Crown before. I didn’t even have to tell my family that he won, too. All they had to do was guess when I started squealing and dancing like a maniac.

I looked up how other Triple Crown winners did in the game :slight_smile: we have all of them here!

  • Sir Barton - Sire: Bronze (1.8 ) | Broodmare Sire: Silver (3.1)
  • Gallant Fox - Sire: Bronze (2.7) | Broodmare Sire: Silver (3.5) Chef-de-Race (I)
  • Omaha - Sire: Silver (3.5) | Broodmare Sire: Silver (5.1) Chef-de-Race (I)
  • War Admiral -  Sire: Silver (3.4) | Broodmare Sire: Silver (3.1) Chef-de-Race (I)
  • Whirlaway -  Sire: Silver (3.2) | Broodmare Sire: Gold (6.1) Chef-de-Race (I)
  • Count Fleet -  Sire: Silver (4.1) | Broodmare Sire: Silver (4.7) Chef-de-Race (I)
  • Assault - Sire: Silver (4.4) | Broodmare Sire: Silver (4.5) Chef-de-Race (I)
  • Citation -  Sire: Bronze (1.7) | Broodmare Sire: Bronze (1.9)
  • Secretariat - Sire: Silver (4.7) | Broodmare Sire: Silver (4.6) Chef-de-Race (I)
  • Seattle Slew - Sire: Silver (4.5) | Broodmare Sire: Gold (5.4) Chef-de-Race (I)
  • Affirmed - Sire: Silver (4.1) | Broodmare Sire: Silver (4.0) Chef-de-Race (I)

Sir Barton is also the “horse 1” in the game… and Whirlaway & Seattle Slew are the only silver / gold ranked sires. Of these two, I only have some of Seattle Slew’s bloodlines. Next year two of my foals will be 3x3 inbred to him; one by NCh. Away The Lads out of GCh. Yeman, and the other by ICh. To Die For out of Spell Song.