Tall Oaks is expecting a slightly larger number of foals due next year than there has been in our last two breeding seasons.
Whirl It has been bred to Hope To Succeed and is due at the end of March. We’re hoping for a little girl from this pairing since Hope To Succeed has the best success with his daughters. Whirl It produced Breeders’ Cup Juvy Fillies winner Spinning Hill, Nashua stakes winner Proletariat, and Caltech Handicap winner Give It A Whirl. Based on Succeed’s wins in the Kentucky Derby and Belmont stakes and Whirl’s GOT this foal looks like it’ll be a long distance racer. Whirl’s rated as a Gold.
Tentative Names: Spinning Success (filly)/ Helicopter (colt)
Thinking of Dreams was bred back to Gimme A Shot a couple of weeks after Gimme My Dreams was born. We’re hoping for a colt from the second breeding but a filly would be good too. Gimme A Shot had an amazing 2005 and 2006 foal crop all coming out stakes placed or multiple stakes winners. He had one placer and one multiple stakes winner in his 2007 crop and none of 2008 foals have raced yet. Thinking of Dreams had produced 2 winners and her 2008 filly is unraced. Dreams is rated as a Bronze.
Tentative Names: Dream Shot (colt)/ Gimme My Dream (filly)
Dark Love was bred to Simply Heroic. Simply Heroic raced out his last year for Windward Farms and then was sold to Outlaws Incorpated. He earned over a million dollars and comes from a classy broodmare line. His gelded full brother is a stakes winner and Simply Heroic became Heroic Lass’s first MSW. His dam’s half-sister produced Florida Derby, UAE Derby, and Australian Derby winner Duplicate Copy. Dark Love has produced one stakes winner colt Pitch Black by Affirmed. Love is rated as a Silver.
Tentative Name: Heroic Love (filly/colt)
Deadly Game was bred to Temptation. Temptation is a son of the Storybook bred Callie and the incredible sire Cross Roads. This foal will be a 3/4 sibling to Game’s first filly Murder She Wrote who is racing pretty well. Temptation raced for three years and earned over a milion dollars meeting up with champions such as King David, Cutlass, Strider, Foolhardy, Ring of Fire, etc. This foal will be the last of a small crop of foals from Temptation’s first to be born. Game is also rated as a Bronze.
Tentative Name: Deadly Temptations (colt/filly)
Whirlagirl was bred to another Storybook stallion Crystal Rainbow. What can I say the Storybook studs are awesome. :lol: Whirlagirl is the last mare out of 9 mares bred to Rainbow to foal for next year. He has a reasonable stud fee for a first year sire. A son of A Diamond Jewel who produced 3 MSWs in a row all by amazing stallions. Girl is rated as a Bronze.
Tentative Names: Crystal Whirl (colt)/ Rainbow Girl (filly)
Flaming Possibility was bred to our very own My Lucky Day. Flaming Possibility comes from a pretty good family with her sire being Distinct Possibility who has 2 MSWs and 1 SP. Golden Flames hadn’t done to bad in the breeding shed. She’s not a Patriot Games or a Miss Hayday but 6 out of her 8 foals have been on the board with a combined total of $234,150 with her three year old colt being the largest money earner out of all of them. My Lucky Day’s first foal to hit the track Attheendoftheday races on Saturday. Flaming Possibility has a strong gene for turning out colts but fillies are dominant with My Lucky Day. Golden Flames and Distinct Possibility both have more daughters than sons so we’ll see how their foal turns out.
Tentative Names: Flaming Luck (colt)/ Luck’s Flames (filly)
Golden Legend was another one bred to My Lucky Day. She comes from a good sire Black Legend who has 3 MSWs, 4 SP, 5 SW. My Lucky Day did best at the long distance races at 2, raced as a sprinter at 3 and did SC at 4. Golden Legend’s only win was at 3 in a 7 furlong GIII but she was tried over the SC at 4 and didn’t do to well. Golden Flames mostly has foals who raced at sprints until Admiraless who raced and placed at SC anywhere between 10.5 fulongs and 13 furlongs. Sea Aflame unlike most of his siblings races best at 10 furlongs. Miss Hayday has foals who like all kinds of races so it’s hard to tell what kind of race this foal will like.
Tentative Name: Golden Luck (colt/filly)
Royalle was our last mare to be bred to a first time sire GCH. Major’s Flight. The expecting foal will be Royalle’s second that will be sired by a first year stallion. Major’s Flight was Jazz It Up’s first son to become a stallion so we are very excited about Royalle’s foal. Coming from three GCH stallions we hope Royal will have a colt to follow in their footsteps and become a third generation GCH in Major’s family.
Tentative Names: Royal Flight (colt)/ Dashing Jazz (filly)
Strobe Light was also bred to a first time sire Magic Glory. Yet again Strobe was bred to Storybook Farm stallion. Strobe Light raced 15 times, won twice, 5 seconds with one Stakes place, 2 shows and one Stakes third. Earned just a little over a hundred thousand on the track and raced exclusively over the jumps. Hopefully with Strobe’s like of 8 and 9.5 furlong SC races and Magic Glory’s love of anywhere from 7 furlongs to 14 furlongs we hope that the resulting foal takes to the 7-14 furlong SC races.
Tentative Names: Magic Lightz (filly)/Light of Glory (colt)
In Absentia, a purchase from Windward Farms was bred to our new stallion Secretsarebound. Absentia is ranked as Silver. The dam of MSW Back Roads Absentia was the only mare bred to Secret and hopefully this foal will be Absentia’s next SW and Secret’s first big runner.
Tentative Names: Far From Truth (filly/colt)
Lil Miss Lucky, a purchase from one of the Auctions was basically a throw caution to the wind type of purchase. Unraced and in foal with her first by Mr. Townsend. She might not have attracted a lot of attention but Mr. Townsend is great. Half-sibling to 4 MSWs and out of a Gold broodmare his first foals race next year. Lil Miss Lucky has a pretty good pedigree being by Best Brush and out of a Sharpen Up mare.
Tentative Names: Townsend Luck (colt)/Miss Townsend (filly)
Last Fling, another purchase from an Auction is just a year younger than Whirl It and is in foal with her second foal by Highland Magic. Once again a Storybook stud, hopefully next year I’ll be breeding my own homebreds out of my broodies and by my two stallions. This foal crop was our largest since joining the game nearly three years ago with only three foals not bred by Tall Oaks.
Tentative Names: Last Magic (colt)/ Highland Fling (filly)