Storybook Farms Dispersal Auction

An auction has been setup to disperse the Storybook Farms horses.  It will run from Jan 1 to Jan 14, so everyone should buy a new horse to celebrate taxes being paid for 2012.  :wink:

The following horses have leases setup.  Those leases have been re-scheduled to end on 12/31.  All leasers will have the first option to buy the horse for their reserve price, and if they choose not to do that, they will go into the auction with the rest.


In the event of broodmares foaling before they’re sold, all 2013 foals will go with their mothers (whether on the ground or in utero).


Did Andrea quit or something? Are these all her horses?

Yes, and yes, minus the two that are being leased.

??? Could you elaborate a little more on the taxes statement?  ???

My only point is that people won’t be paranoid about spending money on horses because end-of-year (2012) taxes will be paid by Jan 1. :stuck_out_tongue:

What an awesome barn she had :astonished: 

I just wish the sale was after we got CW money, cause the majority of them are going to be expensive.  Well worth it, but taxes are going to drain me dry unless some of my horses sell quickly ::)


what are the reserves like? All the horses have them and I’d like to know what the lowest and highest are

Will we be able to book to her stallions during the auction or will we have to wait till someone purchases them and sets a new stud fee?


The reserves start at $500.

The auction will be over before breeding season officially begins (Feb 15), so I have set these studs to be private only for now.  Once they sell (or not), stud fees/bookings can be arranged by the new owners.

Oh ok, thanks :slight_smile: