Hi All!
I’ve accepted that I can manage a small stable much better than a big one, so its officially time to downsize. I went 4 years without selling any horses, but with 23 foals due this year its time to take action!
I’ve put a bunch of broodmares up for lease - pretty much everyone due in January and February. I’ll probably put a few more up for lease as they get closer to their due dates, but if you’re interested in one of my mares send me a message and we can work something out.
I’ve also set up an auction. Right now I have several young horses consigned, two young mares as broodmare prospects, and one mare in foal to Spock. If you weren’t able to breed to him this year, this is your chance to have a foal from his first crop!
Still trying to decide if this is enough downsizing, so if you have your eye on one of my horses, this is the time to let me know
Happy New Year everyone!
Stormy Island