đźš« Something wrong with shipping

I’m making plans for my racehorses and I noticed that their shipping is weird sometimes.

For example, Vanished Valentina was shipped from Gulfstream to Clicker Lab on Jan. 20, should have arrived Jan. 24, but her location still shows Gulfstream. I scheduled her next race also at Gulfstream, she should be shipped there from home, but I guess she’s there already? Training Summary page shows “Gulfstream (0)”, but she raced there on Jan. 16.

Eerschay seems to be at Santa Anita where she raced recently, but her shipping page says that last time she was shipped between Clicker Lab and Australia, and should be at home now.

Both of these are from the database restore.

If you tell me where you want the horses, I can adjust their location. I guess Vanished Valentina is fine, but I don’t know where you want Eerschay.

I found a race for Eerschay in Australia, so would be good if she was there… thanks!