Shipping Claimed Horses


Has there been a change to the code that handles this recently? I successfully claimed a horse today from a Claiming race in Australia. When I look at the Horse Info page, it still shows the horse’s location as Australia.

However, I’m pretty sure that I’ve successfully claimed horses in the past and when I looked at their Horse Info page later, it had their location as my Stable.

Is my memory faulty or was a code change applied recently or is this a new bug?

Just curious.

All the horses I have claimed (that I have noticed) stayed at the track they last raced. I could be wrong though. :wink:


It did that for a claim of mine a long time ago I could swear, but for the better part of a year now, it’s always been the track they were located at.

I’ve claimed a fair few horses (especially lately) and they’ve all stayed at the track the race was at. I don’t think it is a reasonable expectation for the shipping fee to be included especially if you claim a horse for $5,000 located in Australia and your stable is in the USA. :slight_smile:

The only time a horse I have claimed has been shipped home to my stable is if I make her a broodmare… that is the only time horses magically return to your home stable…

As Dawn said, the only way horses poof someplace is if you retire them.  There may have been a bug in the code before that insta-shipped horses, but it was certainly not intentional.

No problem. I’ll give Polly’s Appeal a couple of races down under then maybe bring her State-side via England.

Just a quick Q.  How do FF horses deal with NE?  I see they’re poofed from track to track, but they never poof back to a barn.  So, should I claim an FF horse, where can I expect their NE to be?  Rock bottom, since they’re never sent “home”?

They’re immune.  NE only drops for non-FF owned horses.  Seemed a bit unfair to have the horses owned by a computer script to be miserable about it. :wink:

Excellent.  Good to know!