Resting at the farm

I have a question for our learned FF members.

I’ve just leased a horse that is located in Canada, I knew when I leased it I intended to give him a good ‘rest’ and I’d seen on the forum people ‘resting’ horses for others instead of shipping home (I’m in Australia).

Is this possible? I seem to remember Shanthi saying ‘farms’ people could go to was in the pipe line for the future but as yet not done.

What are my options other than the obvious of shipping back to Australia  :wink:

I’m afraid that since it is a leased horse… the only option you have is to send her to your farm… until Shanthi gets the boarding farms up and running… you’d have to lease the horse to another farm to keep them in the US…

Thanks Dawn, I thought that might be the case, shame I thought of it after I took up the lease lol.