Race Records Not Updated for 8/18 = #3

Appears the race records for the #3 race yesterday haven’t updated.

My horse Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff 's race record hasn’t updated from yesterdays races. She was in the 3rd race and all other horses records have updated including a horse I had in race #2. Her record should be 6-0-0-2-0 making her Mult. Placed but her page doesn’t reflect this.

Steps to Reproduce

Outline the exact steps to reproduce the issue, ideally with screenshots and links (as appropriate). Template:

  1. Login

  2. Navigate to Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff’s page
    record bug

  3. Click on View Races button
    record bug 2

Additional information

The 3rd race was the last race to actually run on race day before the bug caused the rest of the races to halt

Same with my horse Die a Fool in this race. He was also switched to SC in this race, but his Default Racing Options only shows flat jockeys and surfaces.

Fixed - stupid server dying halfway through updating records.