Race Day 7/3/2017

Here are my picks for Wednesday, Jul 3 [color=red](Starfish horses in red):-
1  Zimbardo - Bound For Glory - Jaros
2  Integral - Bloemer Girl - Elsweyr
3  Annual Report - Michiyuki - Rainbow High
4  Connect the Dots - Night of Angels - Something Borrowed
5  Full Moon Wish - Cool And Magic - Attained
6  Confused Forest - Cabernet Sauvignon - A Smart Turn
7  Three Whiskies - Alarm Code - Bubba Brown
8  Black Tiger - Asking For It - Charming Devil
9  Taneum Canyon - Prideus - Brilliant Protege
10  Confessor - Kissed by Class - Seaside Gal
11  Lyrical Inlay - Ethelien - Gilded Effect
12  Cassiopeia - Newyorknewyork - National Bound
13  Krusty Kristin - Mini Mostest - My Dad’s Fast
14  Swanson - Blood Magic - Quorra
15  Silver Candidate - Gangsta’s Paradise - Tilla Bell Rings
16  Dixieland Devil - Pacific Tide - Fatal Flame
17  Indian Outlaw - Bold Miss - Grani
18  Colormeahero - Gilded Kisses - Bastet
19  Brucejack - Emperor - Copycat
20  Sharp Jet - Trust in God - Touch Football
21  Wolverine - Built For Glory - Gallant Haven
22  Graziana - [color=Red]Magic Spitfire - Marriedtothedevil
23  User Friendly - Peep Show - Idlewild
24  Reckless Romeo - Beautiful Disaster - Bold Legion
25  Queen Anne - Late to the Altar - Semi Nutz
26  Big Coins - DevilInABlackDress - Talia Mia
27  Certain Death - Im Not Innocent - Exuberant
28  Change Your Bid - LaForge - Distinct’s Secret
29  Rags To Riches - Spectrum - Psychic
30  Intricate - Argelian - Clemency
31  Hollyworth - Amusing Earth - Bold Colony
32  Jetrel - Xspeedious - Catalan Bay
33  Cuchulain - Forbidden City - California Sky
34  Dark Hope - Star Wizard - Palaestra
35  Highland Dreams - Saint Moritz - Muztagata
36  The Oversight - Charge Prism - La Belle Talbot
37  Dark Spell - Twilight Magic - Catcall
38  Lavaliere - Spalona - Singing Surprise
39  Imhotep - Jumanji - Whinny Pearl
40  Luminoso - Setlik - Drill Sergeant
41  Pay the Boatman - Epic Proportions - The Fire Bringer
42  Chance of Rain - Je Ne Sais Quoi - Jester’s Crown
43  Erin Reid - The Tempest - Foolever
44  Nairobi - [color=Red]Debatable Love - Deep Purple
45  [color=Red]Last Orders - A.P. Dark Star - L

  1. Zimbardo - Bound For Glory - Jaros
  2. Integral - Simmering - Bloomer Girl
  3. Annual Report - Hills of Snow - Atlanta
  4. Connect The Dots - Malibu Express - Night of Angels
  5. Cool And Magic - Attained - Full Moon Wish
  6. Confused Forest - A Smart Turn - Cabernet Sauvignon
  7. Three Whiskies - Cause for Concern - Alarm Code
  8. Asking For It - Charming Devil - Quiet Giant
  9. Taneum Canyon - Brilliant Protege - Bandolynn
  10. Confessor - Realta - Strawberry Tart
  11. Ethelien - Handsome Berry - Lyrical Inlay
  12. Cassiopeia - Kept Woman - New York New York
  13. Mini Mostest - Karinda - My Dad’s First
  14. Quorra - Blood Magic - Land O’Chocolate
  15. Gangsta’s Paradise - Tilla Bell Rings - Foiled
  16. Pacific Tide - Fatal Flame - Sanguska
  17. Bold Miss - Indian Outlaw - Grani
  18. First Regret - Bastet - Foolish Punch
  19. Emperor - Copycat - Brucejack
  20. Powdered - Sharp Jet  - Touch Football
  21. Built For Glory - Wolverine - Gallant Haven
  22. Graziana - Magic Spitfire - Charming Dancer
  23. Peepshow - Idlewild - Userfriendly
  24. Pepper Bomb - Royal Bull - Desertification
  25. Motifs - Queen Anne 0 Frontier Days
  26. Big Coins - Devil In A Black Dress - Elusive Heart
  27. Certain Death - Exuberant - I’m Not Innocent
  28. DEvil’s Angel - Azalee - LaForge
  29. Rages To Riches - Machair - Spectrum
  30. Intricate - Clemancy - Cryptic Kitten
  31. Hollyworth - Unruly Laird - Amusing Earth
  32. Jetrel - Brilliant Melody 0 Catalan Bay
  33. Forbidden City - Cuchulain - Crowd Teaser
  34. Star Wizard - Palestra - Dark Hope
  35. Highland Dreamer - Saint Moritz - Muztagata
  36. La Belle Talbot - Ithaca - Breakfast In Bed
  37. Dark Spell - Twilight Magic - Silver Haze
  38. Spalona - Lavaliere - Miss Boerne
  39. Imhotep - Whinny Pearl - Jumanji
  40. Setlik - Luminoso - Drill Sergent
  41. Toast Of The Town 0 Away The Lads - Fight The Twilight
  42. Chance Of Rain - Jester’s Crown - Lovespell
  43. Foolever - Hydrogen - The Tempest
  44. Nairobi - Deep Purple - Frisky Wench
  45. AP Dark Satr - Laevateinn - Diablo’s Diadem
  46. Best Beware - Skylights - Al Mundhir
  47. Black Cherry - Exclamation Point - American Dance
  48. D’lightful - Supersonic - Legal Strategy
  49. Mimic - Georgia Rockett - Knight’s Match
  50. Fleet Wind - Irish Lights - Night of Storms

Lewis - I know! It’s insane that we’ve already begun July!

  1. Zimbardo-Jaros-Bound For Glory
  2. Integral-Bloemer Girl-Simmering
  3. Michiyuki-Hills of Snow-Untold Success
  4. Connect The Dots-Malibu Express-Nights of Angels
  5. Attained-Cool and Magic-Full Moon Wish
  6. Confused Forest-A Smart Turn-Cabernet Sauvignon
  7. Bubba Brown-Alarm Code-Cause For Concern
  8. Asking For It-Quiet Giant-Black Tiger
  9. Taneum Canyon-Prideus-Brilliant Prot
  1. Zimbardo/Bound for Glory/Jaros
  2. Integral/Simmering/Elsweyr
  3. Annual Report/Atlanta/Hills of Snow
  4. Swift Taylor/Malibu Express/Connect the Dots
  5. Attained/Cool And Magic/Full Moon Wish
  6. Commit to Memory/Confused Forest/Cabernet Sauvignon
  7. Cause For Concern/Alarm Code/Bubba Brown
  8. Charming Devil/Asking For It/Black Tiger
  9. Brilliant Prot

Wins: 15 x $250 = $3750
Places: 8 x $100 = $800
Shows: 6 x $50 = $300
Quinellas: 3 x $500 = $1500
Trifectas: 4 x $1000 = $4000

Total: $10,350

A lot of my picks were backwards and quite a few got spoiled by my own horses :smiley: I can’t say I’m displeased with that fact!

Wins: 13 x $250 = $3250
Places: 4 x $100 = $400
Shows: 10 x $50 = $500
Quinellas: 4 x $500 = $2000
Trifectas 0 x $1000 = $0
Total: $6,150

Today’s Handicapping

Wins 9 x $250 = $2,250
Places 7 x $100 = $700
Shows 9 x $50 = $450
Quinellas 0 x $500 = $0
Trifectas 2 x $1000 = $2,000

Total $5,400

Wins 12 x $250 = $3000
Places 5 x $100 = $500
Shows 11 x $50 =$550
Quinella 1 x $500 = $500
Trifecta 5 x $1000 = $5000

Total = $9550