Pre-Auction, part 1

"Aha! I

knew it."

Annie was standing in the doorway. At five-foot-nothing she didn’t

exactly cut a very intimidating figure. Nevertheless, I looked guiltily up from my novel I

had nestled in my lap and slowly removed my feet from the top of the stack of ledgers that I

was supposed to have been looking over in preparation for the auction that coming


"The ol’ grump wants to know how many hopeless losers you’re planning on

squandering our money on. He says he’s had enough with the two year olds as is."


matter how much he grumbles, he likes the challenge," I said.

"Does he know


"No. And I’m not going to tell him, either. Has he looked at the auction

catalogue yet?"

"Yeah. He says they’re a bunch of decrepit claimers and do nothing

broodmares," Annie said, crossing her arms.

Marking my place in the book, I got up

slowly and stretched, working the kinks out of my back. "That’s to be expected. Anyway, I

suppose I better go tell him to expect a couple."

“Do have the number?”

"I have

his cell phone number."

“You know he never has that one on.”

I grinned at my

partner. “Really? I didn’t know. So much the better.”

She threw up her hands and

said, “I’m not dealing with him when he gets back.”

I picked up the phone and started

dialing as she walked out of the office.