People who join then don't play (my rant)

can anyone tell me why someone would go out of their way to join such a great game then never sign in again? With a waiting list of people who really want to play it really gets my goat. Not only that but look at all the extra work it makes for Shanthi. I was looking up a stable today and noticed close to 10 that joined got 2 horses, not the single one we used to start with,plus newbie perks, and they have never bothered to ever sign in again. How frustrating can that be for the people waiting and the extra horses, etc that have to be made,then reclaimed. I really feel upset that someone can be so ungrateful to do that. Does anyone else feel the same way? Some people just don’t get it , I swear!

Carol, while I can understand your sentiments, I really don’t think this is appropriate.

There’s nothing forcing people to play. I stopped the script that automatically dumps players for inactivity - I will likely restart it at some point, but really, 2 extra created horses per person isn’t that big of a deal.

This game isn’t for everyone. Real life gets in the way. People forget. It’s not a huge deal. People who like the game stick around, and yay for that.