My mare Coastal Mountains hasn’t foaled yet, she was due the 31st of March. Does this mean she’ll lose the foal or do I just rebreed her? Because it has the ‘breed this mare’ on her page even though everything says she’s still in foal. =/
I checked, and there actually is no foal in the database. I’ve deleted the breeding info.
- Go ahead and re-breed that same breeding. Then I’ll go into the database and just manually change all the years back 1 (so the 2013 foal would be born in 2012, it’d be mature/hasbeen 1 year earlier, etc.)
- Then you’ll be able to breed her for a “real” 2013 foal.
Okay, I’ll go do that now.
Edit: He’s not available. =(
Edit2: Since he isn’t available I’ll just go ahead with the 2013 breeding I had planned for her and just hope everything comes out right this time. =)