I sent my filly, Last Account, to Santa Anita on 3/5 and she was a C/D. She arrived on 3/6 and was F/F. She has been there for 7 days and is still F/F. She has not been out, just sitting in her stall.
She has shipped before, not that long of a distance, and has always recovered quickly.
Is there a “glitch” with her or ??
She left right before the server problem started and was in transit during it.
Also just a picky note… N/E or NE is typically used to refer to Natural Energy (which you have no way of seeing directly) while the A-F ratings apply to Energy and Fitness (E/F).
But like Shanthi said, horses can dip into ‘negative’ energy ratings if you ship them long distances. I think the expectation is it takes at least a week to recover the energy cost of shipping. So figure her normal race recovery period plus a week or 10 days (depending on how fast her post-race recovery is) for her to get back to A. I think shipping also lowers fitness due to dehydration/etc, but I could be wrong.