Mare foaled 3 months early to a different stud

Here is a wild one. My mare Iberis just dropped a foal by Church Mouse, but all my records indicate she shouldn’t be due until March and that she was in foal to Bells Beach.

I keep a rather thorough spreadsheet of who was bred to whom and when they’re due, and my budget shows a breeding between Iberis and Bells Beach took place and was charged last March.


Bad enough when they foal early but this is a little extra. :sweat_smile: I can send her back to Bells Beach to try again, but wanted to flag this as a very weird bug.

Similar bug I think, but my mare Deadly Devotion just foaled for the second time this year. For some reason she was bred twice. The first breeding didn’t show anywhere, but she still delivered both foals.

It’s a bug in my advantage so I don’t mind, but I understand if one of the foals goes missing. Ahead of Schedule is the foal that didn’t show and would also be my preferred foal to remove from the game (for obvious reasons lol).