Luck (TV series)

HBO is announcing a new TV series on horse racing. There are two real jockeys starring (Gary Stevens and Chantal Sutherland), and Dustin Hoffman, among others :wink:
Here is some info: … nd-answers

And a trailer on youtube:

Looks interesting!

I watched a premier or something in December, it was really good. There are alot of solid actors and good writing. From what I saw, they did a really good job portraying how the back stretch actually is

I can’t wait to see this,I have hbo and have been seeing previews for weeks!
Also there’s a great Canadian series for just plain horse lovers called Heartland, I love it, it’s a good family show!

Here it will start on 30th January, exactly when my next foal is born :wink:

Sounds great. I may have to switch to hbo. :slight_smile:

Two horses were put down due to injuries sustained during filming:

PETA’s up in arms, and writes, “two dead horses in a handful of episodes exemplify the dark side of using animals in television, movies, and ads.”

While I can’t comment on the conditions of animals performing for film, I would say the accidents say far more about the racing industry and the soundness issues that are so common in thoroughbreds. Because the sad thing was that I wasn’t shocked that they were having breakdowns during racing sequences.

Thats unfortunate, thank you for bringing it to my attention.

It is an unfortunate reality in the racing world, I worked on the backstretch for 5 years and fractures were very common (though, usually didn’t require the horse to be put down). Hopefully there are no more injuries…

I’d be interested to see if the series does address the issue of breakdowns in some sense. It’s part of the nature of the beast, unfortunately.

I know I’ll never forget seeing Eight Belles go down. Or Christopher Antley holding up Charismatic’s leg.

Or Barbaro limping at the end of that race. It’s sad that they’ve had trouble, I haven’t watched the show yet.
  I worked with standarbreds and saw accidents and when They happen it’s horrible watching a horse being flipped over by a sulky, one of my charges just escaped a bad wreck at one race where they had to actually get people on horse back to round up the panicked horse that was all tangled and running on the infield, they had to cut him loose to get him unhooked and 3 drivers went to the ER one was seriously hurt! They seem to be a little sturdier than the TBs are.

So sad… to me, it definetely says more about racing, then about the film industry. But maybe, if HBO adopts the “additional protocols”, the racing industry will adopt them too? :wink:

I know they changed their protocols and now every horse that is in one of the race sequences gets x-rays done prior to the scene to check for any issues that may cause injury. It’s a sad part of the racing industry, two years ago I was working for a trainer at Monmouth and I’d finished riding for the day and was at the rail watching the rest of training when one of our horses ‘Lacey’ was galloping and was playing a bit, she let out a buck and started hopping around and broke her shoulder. I wish they weren’t so darn fragile!

wow thats pretty bad it happened that easy, it makes you wonder how long racing can last if there is no way to inject different blood, stronger blood into such fragile lines.

Yes it’s tough but when you think about it they just as easily break their legs out playing in the field.

‘Healthy as a Horse,’ was a seriously stupid saying. I’ve never met another animal that could kill itself so easily and in so many different ways. :-\

So true!

Indeed. I had two break their legs in the field. One was kicked, granted, but the other one was just being a baby and bouncing around and landed funny.

Just watched a mini marathon of the first 3 shows and all I can say about the first show is OMG!!!
I almost tossed my pizza that I had must eaten for supper, talk about realistic , and horrible!!
I won’t ruin it for those that have not seen it just be prepared for a shocking first show!

It’s coming to the UK too, but I won’t be able to watch as we haven’t got Sky. Bother greedy murdoch

Same here :frowning:

Check online there are some free tv sites