Lost In The Fog...saying goodbye...or maybe not.

Wow, after seeing the article earlier this week when they thought he had colic, then to finding the tumor on his spleen, now he had additional cancerous masses one egg sized in an area near his spleen, another the size of a football beaneath his spine along his back, he’s been running with this all year, maybe even some part of last year, what a horse, shows you that despite insurmountable odds, if a horse wants to win he will win.

Here’s the article from bloodhorse.com

Inoperable tumor found in Lost In The Fog


Poor thing…he’s such an amazing horse.

Multiple Tumors!!  :astonished: It’s too bad at least he lead a long and happy life even if it will be cut short.  :'(
It is so sad to see him go.  :'( He Is and always will be an amazing animal (and after he goes an amazing Legend)  :slight_smile: Such an amazing horse.  :'( :'( :'(


I can’t even read the news anymore because everytime I do, it seems like a horse is getting injured or worse, and it depresses me. Lost In The Fog, just from the little that I know about him, is absolutely amazing. He’s such a beautiful horse, and I feel so badly for his owner and for everyone that has been watching him and rooting for him. He seems to have such a strong spirit, and he will always be remembered for that. What an amazing little guy.

Poor Lost In The Fog. He had a truly great life and career though and he was much loved. He will be greatly missed.  :'( :'( :'(

I can’t believe it!  :astonished: :astonished:-sob- :'(-cry-  he had such a short life and amazing career

Very sad news for Racing fans every where. Truely a champion that will be missed.  :frowning:

I saw about the spleen tumor, it’s awful to know how bad the situation really is.  Just hasn’t been a good year for horse racing (though I say that every year)…  Ghostzapper, Barbaro, and Lost In the Fog.

What in the world is going on, Saint Liam was euthanized earlier today from a fracture to his tibia while being walked to his paddock.  ???

:astonished:!!! The racin business is losin some of the best!!!  :'( How can they break their tibia by walking to a padock??

did someone say investigation??

He didn’t exactly break it by walking.  He was being a silly, young TB stud, acting up and caught his leg and tripped himself, landing on the leg and shattering the tibia.  The DRF has more of a play by play of the accident (whereas the TB Times has more about the horse).  Why would there be an investigation? 

Definately sad though…

wow tough year for race horses!!! But just think there will be fresh meat next year! YAY I always love to watch the yearlings in our pastures! They have so much personality!

Yeah, but new horses aren’t as fun/exciting.  I tend to take awhile to get warmed up to a horse, they’ve gotta prove themselves.  Then they do and they either retire to stud straight away or get injured.  sigh

well, I would not say there would be an investigation in the most recent case. I just remember stories about TB’s, Triple Crown Caliber horses, getting shipped off to the Far East and being totally mistreated and forgotten about. That practice needs and investigation, horse racing does not have much to hang its hat on, they should take better care of there past champions.

That is a terrible thing about horse racing, is no matter how good the horses are, at some point once they can’t race anymore a lot of them become expendable if they’re not useful for breeding.  But those cases are usually not insurance fraud scams as I believe they were implying here.

Insurance scams generally don’t involve healthy, valuable, young studs.

When I was a teenager, I used to help out part time at the local riding barn. One of my ‘charges’ was a gorgeous Welsh (No papers, but looked pure) pony named Flicka. He was fantastic to ride…and an absolute nightmare to handle. The only horse in my life that I ever hit with a crop whilst on the ground…but I loved him.

One day, they found him in the field with a broken hip. They have no clue whether he got into a fight with one of the other horses, was chasing around and fell, or what happened. He was only 14 years old.

Horses, ultimately, are incredibly fragile for such large animals.

It is so tragic when anything happens, especially with these beautiful, fragile horses.  But I believe everything happens for a reason. 

For example- My sister’s super-sweet POA western pleasure pony died this January of Cushings Disease.  It was tragic, and really hard on us all, but something good DID come out of it.  She started riding a semi-retired barrel racer/gaming horse who is 34, and he is just ecstatic to be ridden regularly and LOVES running and going to shows and horse clinics again.  He’s really amazing, he won pole weaving 4 years in a row at the State 4-H Horse Show (which is a pretty big deal) with the guy we got him from when he was in his 20s, and he is a wonderful teacher and baby-sitter.  Now both him and my sister get to enjoy riding and competing- they recently won Jr. Showmanship and Barrel Racing at our county fair.  It warms my heart more than anything to see that big gangly old paint cantering around the arena with his ears up, and my little sister on him with the biggest smile on her face. 

If we know that everything happens for a reason, it’s easier to handle hard times.  This has been an especially hard year for the horse racing industry, but we have to remember all the wonderful horses that are still living, and hope that all the horses who have passed have had a good life while they were here.  Even saying that, I will miss Lost in the Fog, he was a great horse and deserved a long, healthy life. 

To go back to what Bethany said before- does anyone remember what happened to Ferdinand?  That was really tragic, I think I even cried. 

Yes-I know what happened to Ferdinand. An amazing horse that was put to a terrible fate. He was sent to stud in Japan and his stud carrer was unsucessful. So in Japan he was SLAUGHTERED sometime in 2002. Read these and you can find out more:

Death Of A Derby Winner
The Sport of Kings Can’t Provide a Royal Ending for Derby Winner Ferdinand
Thoroughbreds Deserve Green Pastures
Ferdinand’s Tragic Ending
It’s A Run For The Money (About Famous Sires and their fates, Ferdinand is in the bottom 1/2)
Ferdinand & Exceller Fund

“He Was Disposed Of”

Edited to remove copyrighted image.