Late Foals

How uncommon is it for a foal to be 12 days late in the game?  I had a mare due on 5/9, and still no baby today.  Everything’s okay, right?

I believe foals can be up to 6 weeks early/late, so 12 days isn’t too long over a due date (late, but we’ve had later!).

Yes, one of my mares was a month late, unfortunately she died during birth :frowning: but the foal survived.

Okay, thanks.  I know IRL it’s pretty common, just wasn’t sure about in-game. 

My mare Highland Grace was due on 5/1 and just foaled yesterday on 5/20. Both mare and foal were fine, so just depends.

Ive got one due today and tomorrow butim sure they will keep me waiting! :smiley:

Plus, the vet might’ve been drunk when they gave you the due date. They’re just as bad as the jocks some times.

Rofl! That’s a good one! :smiley:

LOL.  Stereotypical Irish vets…