I was wondering if anyone was going to the Kentucky Derby for 2007. I talked about it briefly with Shanthi, and it would be cool if some Final Furlong members got togethert at the races! I’m on an actually waiting list for “seats” for the Derby, but I won’t know if I got tickets until November. However, general admission costs are approx. $40 according to the website. So is anyone else interested in have Final Furlong get together at the races? Maybe if we can’t swing it on Derby Day, pick another major race day i.e. Arlington Million 2007?
I was actually asking last year to go to the KD for my birthday some year! But if I went I’d have to bring like an adult (So… that’s lame, I know. But I’d only be sixteen next year haha. But if my dad went, he likes spending money when I’m around… betting, anyone!? ) Let me see if I get around to asking That’d be totally kick ass if we could get a group of FFers together to go!
It seems so far away. I’m probably going though. Not totally sure yet!