July 5 Updates - Entries!

Entries are done! :smiley:

In the top menu, under “Racing”, you can view the entries that are upcoming.

For each race, it’ll list the horses that are eligible to race. Once you have entered the maximum number of horses, it shouldn’t let you enter any more. If you can’t afford to ship the horse and/or enter the race, it will tell you so.

I have not done shipping in the future (e.g. you’re entering a race for a week from now and want to ship next Monday rather than today) - I’ll do that later.

Also note that, unlike the current system, the beta will only allow a horse to be entered in one race at a time. So you can’t enter a horse for Wednesday and Saturday races (once Wednesday races have run, though, you could enter the horse for Saturday).

Feel free to post any questions/concerns.

Yay, looks really good! I like the colours, much easier to navigate.

I love the color coordination! Will there be any special color distinction for nomination only races?

No, because nominations are going away. :wink:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Any chance that horses could be color coordinated as in the game currently, ie. Red for fillies and mares, Blue for colts and horses, Green for Geldings?

Otherwise it looks great and is much more maneuverable than the current system.

Yay for no nominations! Except for BC & BS races correct?

Love, love the new format.

Couple things… Will there be anyway to filter the ponies that appear? Otherwise, it may get a bit overwhelming for us big stables. Of course, I may change my tune after I’ve used it a bit.

It’d also be interesting to see a stat (in addition to turf/dirt starts) about how well a pony ran at X distance. So, if the race is 9f, could we see the horse’s stats for the classic distance? Or would that really slow things down, since it’d have to calculate those for 30+ horses in some people’s cases?

Yes, I haven’t done that bit yet but it’s on the list.

Yes, Breeders’ Cup and Breeders’ Series will still require nomination.

Yes, I’m planning to add filters. Both as options on the page and as defaults (don’t show horses with energy < D, etc).

I didn’t add it in for performance reasons. I’ll see if there’s a way to do it easily - dirt/turf/jump get stored per horse so it only has to load that bit of pre-calculated data, but storing each distance/surface combination is a bit impractical. I’ll ponder it.

Just had a quick look, I really like it. Haven’t entered anything yet as already entered ponies for the 10th but definitely looks good so far.

If you do think about doing that, maybe you could just do it by a range of distances, eg. 5-7.5f, 8-12f, 12.5f+? At least that would only be 9 sets of data per horse, although, with the thousands of horses in the game, that would make the database massive (plus you’d have the “fun” of populating all these additional records). I personally think it should be up to us, as owners, to keep track of which are the favorite distances of each of our own horses. Anyway, we can easily see our horses racing records and should be able to figure out whether they will like a particular distance or not.

One thing that might be useful when looking at a horses racing records is to be able to select a range of years to display. From what I saw, we can either see it’s complete race-by-race details or we can select a particular year. Would it be difficult to add a button beside each year in the summary so we could select more than one year at the same time (say) 2017 and 2016? [Not a “gotta have” wish, more along the lines of “it might be nice to have”].