July 11 Updates

  • Added button to rename horses (babies and unnamed creates only)
  • Updated database data


So, naming: exciting stuff! (To me, anyway :wink:)

For any horse under the age of 2yo (who isn’t dead), or who is created (and unnamed), you should see a button next to their name saying “Rename”. If you click on that, the table will change to give you a form to enter your name choice. If you click “Cancel” your name change won’t be saved. If you click “Save” your name change will go through if the name is valid.

  • Names can be 3-18 characters long
  • Names can contain up to 3 digits (0-9)
  • Names can contain one ampersand (&)
  • Names can contain up to 2 dashes (-)
  • Names can contain up to 3 periods (.)

The database will also try and find similar names. If there’s a horse named Sun Light and you try to name your horse Sunlight, it should flag it. It will also ignore punctuation, so if the existing horse is Sun’s Light and your name choice is Suns Light, it should flag that as well.

It will reject any names that start/end with your farm’s initials (SF Champion, Champion SF).

If you’re not allowed to rename a horse (it’s dead, and/or too old to rename), there shouldn’t be a button giving you the rename option. (And, obviously, if you don’t own the horse, you won’t have the option to rename it.)

Feel free to try it out, and post any questions/suggestions.

Where is the rename button, I renamed one in my reg stable but I need to Change it on the beta one
Also I redeemed points twice for a weanling and one never showed up.

Awesome.  I had a couple of fillies I had still not named, so I tried it out.  Yay for names!  ;D

Its not showing up on my pages

Try clearing your cache. Logged in as you, I see the rename button on your weanling Alychance.

Ok I’ll try to find it I’m on my iPad. Lol

I make no guarantees about how the game will operate on an iPad. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol I cleared it all and it doesn’t show on an iPad for those others who also have one :slight_smile:

I just renamed Alychance on an iPad so it does work. (I changed his name back again.)

Note, after you successfully rename a yearling, it may be helpful to have the pedigree portion of the page refresh to reflect the new name.

Just a thought.

In other news, I need to figure out to get some periods in my horses’ names.

In still other news, the color-coordinated names in the pedigree is an awesome touch. It’s the little details that make me squee. =)

Odd I deleted cookies and history. Mine is the very first one so its old. I don’t know what else to do to it.
I even went through by hand and deleted cookies/history and rebooted. I’ll try later on my pc. Tynfor checking for me. :slight_smile:

The cache is separate from the cookies and history. I have a link to explain how (hopefully it helps for an iPad too) right here.

For renaming, can you rename weanings or yearlings that you buy from other stables that have already named them?

Thanks but i already did that and it didn’t help
i have no problem on my pc just cant do it on my old ipad! :slight_smile:

I just noticed that when a sire is located in the pedigree as the “sire of a dam”, he doesn’t show his breed ranking, but his broodmare sire breed ranking.  I love it!

Ah, yes, good idea. I update the URL already, since the text version of that is linked to the name (so if you’re on beta.finalfurlong.org/horses/foo and you rename Foo to Bar, then beta.finalfurlong.org/horses/foo gives you a 404 because his page is now beta.finalfurlong.org/horses/bar). I’ll see how easy it is to update the pedigree as well (should be straightforward, I think).

Glad you like it. :slight_smile:

I “inherited” my iPad from my boyfriend, so it’s the original one, too. It has nothing to do with which version of iPad you’re using.

Yes, as long as a horse is under the age of 2 and you own it, you should be able to rename it.

Yep. :slight_smile:

I have the iPad 2 and renamed two horses on it.  I actually have an easier time on the beta site on my iPad than I do on the original site.  shrug