I’m never sure if I’m following these correctly following the races. I’ve had several of my horses this year show something like 6-6-6-2-6 or 7-7-7-1-7. Does this mean I should be looking at trying them over further or shorter (assuming they’re showing good fitness/energy levels)? The ponies have been a bit mediocre this year and I’m just trying to work out if I’m missing something or whether they’re all just rubbish!
To the best of my knowledge, there’s a bug in the running lines, so the final (i.e. the 2nd to last number in the running lines) is wonky. My guess is that your ponies ran a solid 6th and a solid 7th.
Thanks Cat
Are you sure I’ve been using that as my guide to wether the race is too long or short depending on the last 3 numbers and it’s working for me. Lol I know the finish numbers are wonky compared to the actual winning horses. Would be interesting to find out exactly which ones are messed up.