Im leasing out some horses

Ok. So I have been so busy that I can’t run my stable as much as needed.

I am making available all my 2 yo’s and all my 3 yo’s.
Except the following:

Shady Lane

All I ask is that you Do Not run them in Steeplechases.  And at least 2 wks between each race. Play with them and figure them out.
They are Not for sale. Lease only.

I will do $1,000 each till March 1st.

Please post here which ones you want and first come, first serve.

I’d like to lease Phenomenon if I may.


I’d be interested in leasing any one or more of the following horses:

Blind Magic
Don’t Turn Back
Hail To Justice

I’d be interested in leasing Slew O’Stars.

Sorry, she is owned by me. :wink: She is only leased by Triple M.

I haven’t decided what I’ll be doing with my horses for the 2014 season, though…I may end up leasing a good number of them out again.

Oops, sorry didn’t see that. :slight_smile:
I’d like to lease London Calling then.

Ok. i am setting up the leases now. Have fun with them

Ok, leases are done. Vesper, I just did Blind Magic. If no one else wants one of the other 2, then I can lease them also.

Please take care of them and have fun. They are all nice horses and I hope you make lots of money with them ;D

I still have some nice horses available. Contact me by PM and we can work out deals or?

Here are the ones that are left:

3 yr olds:

Watertight Alibi

Rite of Spring

Gracious Princess

Now for 2 yr olds: These guys just need to be figured out. I haven’t had time to do it.


So Debatable

Stories of Gold