I made a Saddle

OK for my second semester of College i was required to take a 3D imaging Sculpting class. I don’t know the first thing about sculpting, but our second assignment was to make something entirely out of food and it had to last at least three days…well i made an English riding saddle out of fruit roll ups and pasta…

img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/ … cture3.jpg
img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/ … cture4.jpg
img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/ … cture5.jpg
img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/ … cture6.jpg

The rack is made of Fettichini(sp), the stirrups Spaghetti, and the rest multiple flavors of fruit roll up… :slight_smile: I’m very proud of this it only took 4 hours XD lol hope you all enjoy (and sorry for the poor picture quality the picture came from my web cam cause my camera is broke)

It’s great. Good job!

Thats really cool

That is amazing good job!!!

Haha, how cool. That’s prabably the best-tasting saddle out there.

Oh, my goodness.  That’s so neat.  Good job!