Just stopping by to say howdy.
I’ve been stalking this game idly for about a month now, pondering joining. Not sure if I really had the time for another game… But then… Well, I had to join. And the waiting list of this one was convenient (zomg, it’ll allow me to join outside of midterm season!).
Well. Um… About me… I’m… not quite twenty… I don’t own any horses… I’m a student at university… I’m a codemonkey… And… I have zero talent at these intro topics and a loathing for calculus. My knowledge of horse racing is horribly, horribly limited (I know more about Standardbred racing, but even then)… So if I ask a lot of stupid questions, I’m sorry in advance.
Erm, well, that should do it. Yep. Well, I joined a few days ago but because I’m so cool (read: cowardly, rofl) it’s taken me 'til now to say hi. Lovely community around here!
I’m quite looking forward to being part of this game and playing alongside all of you, it looks excellent!