Horses Leased to inactive stable.

I couldn’t find a definitive answer through the search function on the forum, at lease I couldn’t find anything current. If I just missed it and someone knows where it is I would be happy to read it.

I have three horses leased to a stable that hasn’t been active since December 20th. I terminated the lease but I was unsure how that works since its unlikely the person will just sign on randomly one day and get the message. I clicked the terminate lease button and said they would get a refund.

Do my horses have to languish with this stable because they are unresponsive?

I didn’t realized that they had been inactive. I had other horses to manage. Lesson learned and I’ll be a little more on top of that in the future.

As it stands now, yes. There is no “hand me back my horse NOW” functionality. I plan to add something of the sort (at least re: inactivity) in the rewrite.

I kind of figure that. Its a bummer but its a lesson learned and I’ll be a little more picky about leasing out horses in the future if at all.

Thanks for the response Shanthi
