Horse Notes

Quite sure this would already have been suggested but I can’t see it anywhere so…

For each horse could they have a private and public notes section?  Then you can brag about them i.e stallions and such as well as having personal notes for your racers etc so you can have reminders of what you wanna do with them later

They do already. :wink: I just haven’t set up the interface to create/edit/delete notes for horses yet.

If you look at the sidebar of the horse page, though, it should say “all comments” for horses you own, and “public comments” for horses you don’t. That’s your super secret subtle clue that public/private notes exist. :slight_smile: (I haven’t officially announced them because they’re not complete yet.)

Mmmm seemed like something a lot of people would use!

Is that supposed to be implemented already? Because even the horses I do own only say Public Comments

Will there be options for notes on leased horses?

Are you logged in?

Probably. I’d be easiest to set it up so that leaser acts like owner (and can see all comments), but when I get to it I might go extra-fancy and set it up so that there are owner-only comments and leaser-only ones.

Yep definitely logged in and looking at my stable…

I like the idea of separate notes for leasers and owners just so a leaser couldn’t, even if accidentally, delete/change some notes I had on my horse already

I don’t know how you do it Shanthi all these little details would drive me nuts!  ???

Should be fixed.

Yep! :slight_smile:

That is the best news I have heard in a long time!  That will make things SO much easier.  Thank you for your ingenuity!
Oh, the possibilities…