As if thinking
up names for fictional horses wasn’t enough, now I have to stumble across
I am easily amused.
As if thinking
up names for fictional horses wasn’t enough, now I have to stumble across
I am easily amused.
Haha, I’m awsome at naming
horses. I swear that my buckskin mare spoke her name to me when I had her :lol: Of course
with fictional horses I can name them things like Chopsticks and Fish and Plate
?(sakana), and ?(sara)
Heaven forbid I ever get my hands on a real
horse. The poor thing.
Shanthi may want to disable the Japanese/Asian language font
before I have too much fun with Symbolic’s babies (naming her babies with
symbols/ideographs/characters/kanji–whatever you want to call it)
Not having those installed on
my computer, you just named your horse ? which is also fitting…
YAY for ?!! I’ll
probably have to rename the bugger before it starts racing. Just for the sake of the
database sanity
laughs!! But that looks so
cool! Even if it would probably create a bazillion errors.
You could always just
name it ‘Kanji’. Or maybe ‘Wingdings’.
KANJI!!! Aweosmeness. Except Ohashi means… um… I dont know realy >.<
?(hashi) is chopsticks. ??is chopsticks with the honorific “?” tagged on. This is sort of common (or at least my professors have led me to believe this), and a good example is ?? (ochya) or “tea”. As in: ??? (I/He/She/It does not/will not drink tea). I’ve yet to hear tea referred to as simply “chya” (in India it’s referred to as Chai, but that’s neither here nor there), though brown is ??(chyairo). Notice the lack of honorific “?.” Hence, the name of Symbolic’s new filly is Brown Horse (chyairoi uma)
Further examples can be found by looking at how one refers to other people’s family members and the reuse of the kanji with the addition of the honorific ‘o’ and -san (a sign of respect).
? (okaasan)–someone else’s mother
? (haha)–your own mother
?(otousan)–someone else’s father
? (chichi) --your own father
Same goes with older brothers and sisters, and child.
If you have any other questions, please remember that this first year student is completely done with putting her foot in her mouth.