Hokkaido Stables Auction

As the end of my senior year in highschool is approaching and five years of college is just around the corner, I’ve decided that I simply don’t have the time to devote to racing my horses here on FF. Therefore, I’ve put all of my horses up to auction. Good luck with them! Sayonara!

If you’re quitting, all horses are forfeit to FF…

Cat, is there anyway of clarifying what will happen if people bid on the horses is the auction and Isami’s account id closed or deactivated. Do you know if winning bidders would keep the horses or loose them to FF? Not sure if there’s anything I want to bid on but seems a but unfair to make money out of the horses if the account isn’t going to be used anyway particularly as some of them have a reserve price on them.

I don’t know.  It’s Shanthi’s call.  I have noticed that some of the horses up for sale are currently leased.  Not sure how that’s going to work, either.

I have deleted the account, and horses have reverted to FF ownership (to comply with game rules).

The auction has been canceled and all sold horses refunded/returned to FF.

The code should’ve deleted this auction to begin with, but thanks to someone for notifying me that it was still happening.