I imagine we have some riders out here who may be able to help me.
Well, my tax rebate went through, and as a broke graduate student this is probably the only time I’m going to have money to blow.
I’m in the market for half-chaps, because it’s a tad embarrassing to be rocking the paddock boot/riding tights look. I’m also looking for a new helmet, since the current one is 7-8 (maybe 10?) years old. Anyway, it’s time. I’d much prefer something that doesn’t look like a bike helmet, but other than that I’m pretty open.
I want quality (i.e. something that’s going to last years, not months) but affordable items and so I was hoping people here might have some suggestions. Any brands/models that I should avoid?
I haven’t ridden in a few years but my last helmet was a Troxel Legacy Gold and I loved it. Light weight, breathable, fit well, fun colors, last forever. Although apparently you’re suppose to replace them after every hard fall, I never did, really who has the money for that? doversaddlery.com/troxel-leg … 016/cn/40/
Of course it’s always best if you can go to a tack store with a wide selection and try on several different helmets to find the brand/style that fits your head the best.
I think the last half chaps I bought were a cheap pair from Stateline Tack, but they held up pretty well. Can’t remember the brand though.
I used to have a Troxel, and quite liked it - lightweight but durable. I didn’t care for the new model, though, so YMMV.
I now have an IRH - it’s a little on the space alien side as far as shape, but not as bad as the Charles Owens, and it fit better. (Pretty sure it was cheaper, too! But I bought it about 2 years ago so I don’t remember.)
My half-chaps are from an expo where they were on sale for $20 or something , so no help there. I haven’t really run across any brands I dislike, though, so I’d look at whatever Dover/State Line/SmartPak/etc has on offer.
I really like Ariat half chaps. I have had the close contact version (about $160) for 4 years now and they’re still lovely. When I started riding I wore Tipperary helmets (my trainer called them “bug helmets” because they were shiny but I rather liked them) I also have had an IRH, which was nice, but I personally prefer my Charles Owen (I think it’s a GR8 , $140 @ Dover). It’s more comfortable for me when it’s on, but I think helmet preference also has a lot to do with how your head is shaped.
I like my Charles Owen, but really any certified helmet is probably going to be okay. I’d go to a tack shop and try a few on, if that’s an option, and see what feels the most comfortable for you and suits your budget. As a rule of thumb, Charles Owens fit a more oval head shape, whereas other brands like IRH and GPA do better for people with rounder heads. I also really like most of the Troxels I’ve ridden in, and they’re very wallet-friendly.
I have Perri’s suede half chaps for schooling. They’re very cheap (around $40) and they’ve held up to 3 years with me so far with absolutely no problems, and I traipse around in the mud and muck in them and do barn work in them. I brush them off with a stiff brush as needed.
I have the ariat close contact chaps as well. I love the fit and feel. I have always owned troxles but have always wanted to try a charles owen because I like the traditional look instead of the skunk helmets that have seemed to saturate the market. Some of the CO’s look like they have nice sleek designs that aren’t too bulky, but like everyone is saying, everyones head is shaped differently. I would try Ebay too for good deals…i’ve come across quite a few in the past! Good luck!