
Hi all,

 Is there somewhere you can point me to on site that will give me easy access to ALL the Grey horses on site. I'm looking in particular for stallions and broodmares and if those lists are available then how about their offspring. I want to do my due diligence on how I'm going to breed and race and this is info that I think I need. any help would be appreciated. 



I don’t think you can search by color. Most people would be more interested in the record or blood line for breading. Color is nice but it doesn’t win races :wink:

I understand your point. But having trained, raced and bred Standardbred’s back in the 80’s I’m well aware of it all. My goal is not to spend a lot of time breeding nags to nags and getting the same thing, more nags.
The intention is to breed a stronger grey line than what is in the game by breeding the best to the best of the grey’s and at minimum have the tail mare side be 75% grey. This would assure that a significant amount of a mares offspring would be grey no matter what color you bred to. Yes I know you will get some that will defy the numbers and come out non grey but that is genetics and breeding in the real world, which is what I think this game is trying to emulate.


Hey, that sounds like an interesting idea. I know Shanthi has a thing for greys. :wink:

I think I remember Andrea saying a while ago that there would be a revamp of the search page to include colors, markings, date of birth, etc. I might be wrong, though.

One of the most respected and influential stallions in the game, Highland Rogue, was a gray. I don’t think you could get much better than him. On the plus side, there is a lot of his get running around and many of his sons are in the breeding shed.

are u looking for strickly greys or Roans also???

Both!!! :smiley:

well i have a Blue Roan son of Romeo standing his second season for avery reasonable price… :lol:

He’s not standing at stud now, but will be next year (unless he completely fails out this spring or gets injured) but my colt Strider is a strawberry roan and was sired by the grey Highland Rogue. He might be what you’re looking for once he enters stud(he’s all stud qualified and ready to go with 10 stakes wins-I just want to keep racing him as long as he’s winning).

Also the mare Dream Skipper is a dapple grey and her grey son Moonopoly is standing at stud. Also she has a lot of grey daughters.

On Strider what would be his stud fee, For when you’d put him up, if you are going to put him on the stud list, i’m very interested in breeding him to my mare. Hopefully next year I also have more money to spend

Strider will probably be available all next breeding season (2011). His stud fee I’m not sure about yet, but it will be affordable and there will be a newbie fee. I’m thinking his freshmen general stud fee will be in the 10k range with a newbie fee being about 1/2 that. But don’t hold me to that, although i do like to keep my stud fees cheap so my studs get full books. I’m trying to get him to 1000pts/World Champion status and he’s only 180pts from that. I also want him to hit the 10 million dollar earnings mark and he’s only about 800k away from that. Hopefully at least the point goal can be accomplished this year. :slight_smile: I look forward to seeing your mare in 2011 :slight_smile: !

That will be great! I am hoping to get another brood mare this year if my horses start earning some more money on the tracks :slight_smile: And I’m thinking about selling my weanling filly to help me. And good luck with him :slight_smile: I bet he will make it :smiley:

Thanks :slight_smile:

P.S.-One good way to get a broodmare is to get an older racemare then retire her to broodmare. Unless you plan on breeding her this year, however, I wouldn’t retire her until January next year. :slight_smile: They’ll be auctions later in the year where you should be able to pick up broodmares too. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks for that tip :slight_smile: I will go snooping around a little, and when I sell my filly I will try to buy a nice one. Thanks alot. And best wishes to your stallion :slight_smile: :smiley:

I have a Grey Retired Stud , he was a great horse , if you can find his line you can find some nice ponies, his name is  Nch Killing Time, if his get ever come up in an auction there is always a fight to get them, i finally got a couple myself, he was a random retire so i didnt get any crops out of him after i bought him so i am always on the lookout for his babies, they are always pretty nice looking horses.