Giving Blood

OK so i gave blood for the first time today. :smiley: cheers! I was very nervous, and it didn’t help when one of my friends passed out. The Nurse was telling me “It’s OK your going to feel a poke, and a little burn here so don’t be nervous.” as soon as she said that one of the attendants rang the bell, and a heard one of the nurses go “Oh S***!” and I almost freaked out. :astonished:ops: I got done quickly, about 5-8 min. Then they sat me on another cot when i was done though, because i was shivering really bad when i got done.

Has anyone else given blood, or had a scary experience giving blood?

I’ve given blood many times, and only once had any issues (felt very lightheaded, so they tweaked the lawn chair so that my legs were elevated rather than my head).

So far I’ve gotten free food (generally a must, since they don’t want you passing out), and a couple of t-shirts.

I gave blood, greyed out very briefly in the chair but they gave me a Diet Pepsi and I came around, and then spent the rest of the day sleeping. So I haven’t tried again since then. I think I just don’t have enough blood to give it away. :wink:

I came out OK I just need some juice, and to make sure my friends was OK. Then I got a cookie, and a sticker. Whats exciting for me is i finally get to find out my blood type, and i can’t wait to give blood again. It felt good knowing that I helped saved lives :smiley: -is a dork-

I’m too young to give blood, but I don’t think I could do it. I’d probably get too woozy(that’s not a word, is it?), so I’m not sure if I’ll try.

I thought i was going to passout, but it turned out ok. i was so scared at first. you should at least try it once, and if you don’t like it you don’t have to do it again, and if you want them to stop at any time just let them know and they won’t force you to do it.

Giving blood is definitely a good thing. :slight_smile: I’ve only done it a handful of times, but I had no problem with it. I just make sure to look away when they’re sticking the needle in. :wink:

I have almost passed out a couple of times, when I had plasma taken from my blood. The first time was very scary and unexpected, since I’d never had problems before. It got to the point where I could hear people around me, but couldn’t see anything. Fortunately I perked up really quickly after they gave me some juice and crackers.

The second time was my own dumb fault. :astonished:ops: It was a very hot day in August and I stupidly went straight from the clinic to go grocery shopping. I was able to recognize what was going on pretty early though, and just bought a bottle of juice and drank it and was fine. :wink:

I think that basically if you make sure to take some extra care with yourself – eat a good meal before you go, drink lots of water and juice starting the night before – you shouldn’t have any problems. My bf has donated both blood and plasma as well, about twice as much as I have, and he never had anything bad happen to him.

The only part I really hated was how cold I would get…I was always freezing by the end. I’m always colder than anyone else around me though, so maybe I’m just cold-blooded. :wink:

Its great that you all are giving! It’s such a wonderful way to help others. Unfortunately, I honestly can not give blood. I haven’t been out of the country or been sick or anything like that, but I am terrified of needles. It may seem silly, but I refuse to even take novicane at the dentist- I let him drill away without it. I am a member of the NHS, so I work at the Blood Drive when my school hosts it. I honestly feel dizzy just watching people give blood. And one time I was in the ER after I broke my hand, and I nearly passed out from something… not sure if it was from the needles that were lurking in the room or the fact that I was just under alot of stress because the biggest golf meet of the year was in three days… But anyways, I can still contribute to blood drive by helping serve people food after they give, so hopefully that does something to make up for not actually giving.

If it weren’t for you all the people who do give blood would be passing out afterwards and probably not be inclined to give a second time, so yeah, I’d say you’re doing your fair share. More than me at any rate :slight_smile: I’m just doing my share by trying not to need anyone else’s blood :wink:.

:lol: Yay for the NHS helpers! lol my friends are in the NHS…I didn’t make it ;-; but the helpers do help alot. Specialy at the ‘Cookie Table’ where people are more prone to passout.

I give blood all the time, never really had a problem with it. Needles don’t scare me either, I just make sure I don’t look at them while they do it.

Funny story time
Okay, imagine this. My brother - tall (6’5") skinny as a rail- is giving blood. The doctor - short (maybe around 5’7"), male, middle ages - sits him down in the chair and starts taking his blood. All goes fine. Asks my brother if he’s feeling light headed. The answer is “no, I’m fine”… so the doctor allows my brother to get up. My brother walks about half away out of the room, faints, bounces his head off some poor womans lap, and then rolls to the floor. The doctor runs over to him and tries to raise my brother’s legs up so his feet are higher than his head. That was a struggle! My mom had to help push and prop my brother’s legs up. So there’s the doctor stand with these long legs nearly propped on his shoulders, and he looks at my brother’s feet (They’re a size 14), and his only comment on the whole affair was “God those are big feet”. I thought it was pretty funny to watch my brother fall like a tree.

Needless to say, my brother hates getting his blood taken now. :slight_smile: