Foal Name Suggestions

Hey guys,
I’m trying to plan ahead a little and get some names in place for a foal coming in mid-May. As you can see by the lineage, I know there’s a goldmine of a name hidden somewhere!! It’s just evading me :thinking: I’ve been playing around with a Cinderella theme for a filly (Clock Strikes Midnight) and a Nikola Tesla theme for a colt (Wardenclyffe Tower).

I started down those roads thinking about a magic theme or even a magician’s show type name (Prestige is taken :frowning: ) Any help or suggestions is welcome! I’m pretty sold on the filly name however struggling most with the colt!


Incense (because blue smoke), Magic Folly, Mirror World, Read the Cards, Runestone, Circus of Dreams, Cosmic Dreams, Dreamspun, Dream Again, Dreamtrails, Drunk on Dreams.

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Metallic Blue
Lost in Reverie
Go Up in Smoke
Smoke Veil
Blue Genie

I like Shelbie’s suggestion of Incense especially too!

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