[FIXED] Energy Levels Not Updating?

not sure if this is a bug or not but when I logged in this morning and checked on my horses it seems that some of their energy levels didn’t update last night ? They are still what they were at after working out yesterday? Always had my horses recover the next day after training them the day before.

Energy has been updating like normal, it may just be that your horses are borderline between grades so it rounded up one day and down the next (or vice-verse).

weird, this has never happened before. Didnt even work them that hard and they were at ‘A’ before working. Thanks for looking into it.

@Shanthi i think something is wrong with my page, nothing has changed or updated in 2 days regarding horse energy levels. Nobody got worked at all yesterday and everyone is still the same energy level as they day I worked them

Ive also had horses at home after their last race that still aren’t at normal energy after 10-13 days. It’s not normal for these horses, normally they are less than 8 before they are back at A energy. All my horses get shipped home after each race to recover. If they happen to stay at the track between races it for max 2 races before getting home time.

Which page?

I’m confident that horses are regaining energy, but it might not be updating to the right place given the recent performance tweaks.

Think it might be my whole account, the training summary and workout page are reading the same levels. When I check the levels in the race entry drop down list it’s reading the same as the training summary page. I’ve just closely monitored my horses and their levels and never had them behave like this. I know which ones take longer and which ones recover a little quicker etc. The ones I’m really worried about are ones racing this weekend.

OK, I’ve triple verified that energy levels are being updated. I think the raw numbers (which are used in races / training / etc, basically everything in the background) were acting OK, the issue was with updating the display grades (A-F). It should be fixed now.

I think energy levels may have been updated a few times, so you may see more horses bouncing back energy-wise than normal…this is a one-off due to debugging. :wink:

thank you so much for investigating and fixing this !