Final Storybook Bidders?

When I checked the auction sometime yesterday, I remember seeing valid bids on at least 2 of the 3 remaining horses in the Storybook auction.  Because of today’s outages, those bids never got processed.

If you were the bidder on either horse, please post here with what your bid was, and I’ll set the horse up for private sale.


The purchase for the racehorse I was bidding on did go through properly, and the horse is at CS so that ran smoothly yesterday :slight_smile:

Thanks Shanthi!

Hey Shanthi,

I had a bid for 250,500 for Just Danzig that had some time left before the outtage happened. She’s now at FF however. Thanks for the help!

I believe the other bid-on-but-unsold horse was Propoganda.  Unless it was Captain Crunch.

Hey Shanthi

i was leasing Propaganda from Andrea last year and as i was you offered her to me for sale at the beginning of this year, which i accepted.