FFCh. Lines presented in the CDS Select Mare/Filly Auction!!!

Including but not limited to…

[color=red]Secretz (Secretariat X FFCh. Starz Afire)
-Really?! Need I say more?
-Rare opportunity

(What’s It Worth X Crystal Princess (Pink Princess :slight_smile:))
-Double GOLD bred
-Worth Mare
-Rare opportunity

[color=red]Bold Cat (ICh. Alley Cat X Bold n’Gold)
-Weanling filly 1/2 to 2yo MSW  and BC 3rd placer Ch. Bold Love. Earnings of about $650,000.

(NCh. Highland Wizard X Indy’s Lady)
-Weanling filly out of a SP A.P. Indy mare and 1/2 to 2yo winning filly Front Page Edition.

Just a reminder the auction starts tonight at 12am!!!

Good luck and happy bidding!