FF Chat Room

…is probably the best way to reach me (especially now that my chat client supports IRC, finally!).

The chat page claimed I would be in the chat whenever I’m online, and now it’s actually true again. :slight_smile: Feel free to say hi.

Whenever you’re online you should go to the chat. There are many opportunities for awesome conversation…do IT!

/end peer pressure. :wink:

so where is it.  how do u get there.  do u need more screwing around than acquiring a swiss bank account or joining paypal.  no thanks this is good enuff for me.  this way nobody reads it.  l.w .    waiting third day for saturdays results.


I’m not sure what is so hard about looking under the game links for the Chat room in question, but before you decide to post on this forum with that kind of attitude at least get your spelling and grammar right.  As was said more than enough times, the whole game code is being revamped and if Shanthi is a little late on some race results so be it.  She works way too hard for us to take difficult to read insults from somebody who has only posted on the forum a total of 3 times.  She provides this wonderful game to us free of charge, so watch which toes you step on.

“NUFF” said…

I agree, probably not needed, but I really wanted to say something after reading that terrible comment.

We need a Facebook-like feature to ‘Like’ posts!