Feature Request: Jockey Instructions Display (On hold)

I don’t know if it’s a good place to write this, but it would also be great to know what instructions were in each race… I sometimes change it when entering races but then forget and I don’t know how the horse responded, if at all.

This isn’t possible at the moment, as it’s not stored with the race results, just the race entry.

FWIW, though, horses always follow jockey’s instructions. They may fight with the jockey if they want to run on the lead and the jockey wants them to run in the back, and that will waste energy, but they won’t just go rogue and decide to run around willy-nilly.

(I make no guarantees on the code’s ability to position horses on the racetrack, though - in theory they should all aim to run as close to the rail as possible, and move in/out of traffic as necessary, but the racing code is several thousand lines long so I’m not sure if it’s actually doing all the positioning stuff as well as I’d like it to. It should work i a basic sense, though.)

Ok, I see. This is because I sometimes change the instruction after the last race, and when entering another race several days later, I see that last time the horse ran fourth all the way, and the instruction is “run on the lead”, and I forget if my instruction for that race was to run on the lead or off the pace or what.
But I remember that someone requested a jockey feedback after a race, just like after a workout, so maybe it could be displayed together with the instructions for that race, if you ever add such feature.