Feature: Activating Your Account

Was an email sent out? I didn’t receive anything, and when I tried requesting Resend Confirmation Instructions nothing appeared in my mailbox. I then tried resetting my password and still didn’t receive an email. I checked spam and nothing, and I don’t have any FF-related emails blocked.

I tried resetting my password, I got the email, it says click the link, but there is no link.

I don’t see any emails to you in the logs. Once you land on the beta site, click Forgot Your Password? and then you should get an email to reset your password. You need to use the email address that is tied to this forum.

Can you PM me with a screenshot?

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Okay I SWEAR there was no link last night… lol I think the only difference is I was on dark mode, but I hovered over the “change my password” and there was nothing. I tried clicking and nothing.

I cant even figure out how to change it to dark mode right now to test my theory so I have no idea.

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Not sure what I was doing before, but it worked this time.

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