Entering races/shipping suggestion

I would love, when entering races, if there was an option to ship your horse on a date later than the date you entered it. For example, if my racehorse is at the farm resting and I find a race that I would like to enter, it would be awesome if I could say to ship the horse to the racetrack a few days from the day that I entered it (given there is enough time to travel there on the date I selected). That way, my horse could enjoy a few more days at home and I do not have to worry about forgetting which race it was, the entries filling up, or missing the entry deadline because I forgot to enter it because something unexpected came up IRL, etc.

I’m planning to add this in, I just haven’t figured out the best way to do it yet.

Awesome! Thank you.  :smiley:

Perhaps when it goes to the shipping page, but only when going from the enter races interface, there could be a list of available dates to ship the horse with checkboxes next to them?