
    Now that you have added Dosage to the pedigree’s and all the good things that go with that… are you going to fill in the “Real Life” dosages of the horses that have them in the game? Are you going to “Make up” dosage numbers for the Chef-du-Races that we have that are game generated?


No.  The only dosage numbers that will be used are the ones generated by game offspring for their parents.  (Because the real life studs don’t necessarily do as well - or sometimes they do better - in FF than in real life…Storm Cat retired in FF because he sucked so much that no one bred to him :stuck_out_tongue:  In real life he’s been the top sire for most of his life.)

Does that mean you are going to backdate the Dosage numbers for the stallions and mare that have numbers of foals or are we starting this whole process from now?

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Dosage numbers were created for all the horses back when I decided to adopt the concept, and have been getting updated ever since.  No further changes need to be made, except for future racing performance of horses affecting their parents’ dosage indexes.

My apologies on this one  :-[… That thread was from when I first came into the game and I obviously missed it. It looks like you are doing what I was asking about and I think it’s a great step forward in realism for the game!!!

At some point (once 2011 code is running smoothly) I’ll post a page that lists all the horses’ dosage numbers so that it’ll be obvious that they’re changing, but for now, you can just stalk their pages.  :wink:

i have a question on dosage, which numbers are the most important to look for, say a projected foals dosage hypothetically to be
0-10-4-0-0-6.00-0.71 , as compared to 0-16-16-0-0-3.00-0.50, which would be the better  horse, and are the higher numbers on the right really good?

thanks, Carole aka Grace

Depends on if your looking for a sprinter or a router. Sprinters to the left routers to the right. However these numbers don’t take every horse in the pedigree into consideration. even though they maybe excellent sires or dams if they are not Reine-de-Course Broodmares or Chef-de-Race Stallions they don’t count. The numbers are an indication they don’t tell you if the horse will be a champion, just where he/she might run best.

i know that there is a page that explains it but i cant find the link, thanks to this being a dif pc than i had before. those are projected foals for next year, i have been really trying to figure out good pairings the past couple of yrs to get the best babies i can. and ty :slight_smile:

It’s also linked on the hypothetical mating page.

thank you ,I knew I had seen it somewhere but couldn’t for the life of me remember where!! I really need to write it down, lol