Darkwood is having another bad year. After careful thought I have decided to reduce my racers for this year. I simply cannot afford the shipping fees for all my horses to race in the US and there are not enough races over a long enough timescale in England for me to keep going. Some of my horses have only raced 3 times this year. I am already in minus figures for taxes and to ship all my horses to the us to race and back at christmas to rest would cost $760,000.
I want to stay in the game until the end of next year so I can see my own homebred horses run. I hate selling horses so will put most of my racers up for lease and some for sale.
These are NOT elderly has beens or no hopers, I would be racing them myself if there were any way to do it. Most of my 2yos will be leased. They are maturing nicely and most have been very lightly raced, sometimes in unsuitable races because there were no other races. Some will not be so hot, some might be very good so I make no promises!
I have put most of my racers for lease for enough just to cover their taxes and they are for lease to the end of the year. If I decide to sell any in the new year, the leasee will have first refusal.
I have 19 yearlings so I need to make room for them for next year - I hope some of you will find good winners among the horses on offer
Next year I will be leasing and also selling some of my broodmares, the new and young mostly.