Darkwood Auction

As I am having my worst season ever (barely 8% winners) I have come to the conclusion that I am not very good at this game. I have been playing a long time and have never had any really special horses, bred or produced any stallions and only once been in the hall of fame (joint 8th). The law of averages suggests that iI should have done better than this by now. I am going to try to reduce my stable size by selling first then retiring those who do not sell. Then I will be able to concentrate on more individual and targeted choices for each horse that remains.

My first auction is of racehorses some of which could probably do better at another stable. many horses do better as they get older so i have previously tried not to give up too soon but I can’t find enough time for them all so they’ll have to go. There may be more later.

Once my last 2 mares have foaled I will also have a broodmare sale, again there will be about a dozen of them, all in foal and possibly some with breed rankings.